Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

BioDIP's History

The BioDIP has developed over a couple of years. Major steps were the foundation of the Imaging Facilities Network (IFN) in 2006 and later the foundation of the BioDIP in 2013 enabled by the DFG "Core facilities" funding.
Here you find the timeline containing minor and major milestones of BioDIPs development.


Davide Accardi has joined the LMF at MPI-CBG



Bert Nitzsche has joined the LMF at MPI-CBG

Currently, Berts main expertise within the facility focuses on the camera based imaging systems, such as TIRF, SIM, conventional widefield systems, localisation- based microscopy, spinning disc confocals and photo manipulation setups.

Prior to working in the facility Bert completed his PhD in biophysics in the group of Stefan Diez (MPI-CBG Dresden and BCUBE, TU Dresden).
He focused his work on microtubules and motor proteins, using techniques such as 3D single molecule imaging and nanometer tracking.


Merge of CRTD and Biotec facilities

The light microscopy facilities of the CRTD and Biotec officially become one joined facility.


Daniel White has left the LMF at MPI-CBG

He has started working as an application specialist for high-end microscopy systems (DeltaVision OMX and Elite, plus InCell Analyzer) for GE Healthcare.