Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

BioDIP's History

The BioDIP has developed over a couple of years. Major steps were the foundation of the Imaging Facilities Network (IFN) in 2006 and later the foundation of the BioDIP in 2013 enabled by the DFG "Core facilities" funding.
Here you find the timeline containing minor and major milestones of BioDIPs development.


The new BioDIP Seminar Series has started with
"Light Sheet Microscopy"

Start of the new BioDIP Seminar Series on lighthouse imaging technologies.
The seminar on "Light sheet microscopy" attracted about 50 people and was held by Jan Huisken and Pavel Tomancak.


Intravital Imaging at MTZ:
Jan Dudeck has started

Jan Dudeck starts a support for Intravital Multiphoton-Microscopy at the MTZ, funded through SFB 655.


New BioDIP coordinator:
Marcus Michel

Marcus Michel joins the BioDIP project as administrative coordinator.


EUBI node recommendation

BioDIP has been highly recommended by the independent European BioImaging evaluation board to become a EUBI node.

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