Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

Light Microscopy Courses

"Principles of Light Microscopy", LMF MPI-CBG

Supported by Peter Evennett, member of the Royal Microscopical Society and teacher of microscopy for several decades, the LMF team aims to provide a principal understanding of how microscopes and the associated techniques work. Numerous hands-on sessions alternating with exciting lectures make this course an unmissable learning experience.

The course is mainly opened to the PhD students of the DIGS-BB programme, but there are occasionally also a few slots available for the rest of the community. The course runs full time from Monday morning to Friday afternoon.

The next course will be held in April 2018.

"Light Sheet Microscopy", EMBO practical course, MPI-CBG

This EMBO Practical Course was held for the first time at the MPI-CBG in August 2014.

It comprehensively introduced the light sheet microscopy paradigm to the new generation of scientists. This interdisciplinary course aimed to introduce  participants to the entire range of techniques associated with various aspects of light-sheet microscopy, including: microscope assembly, sample preparation, data acquisition, image processing, image data analysis, and information technology of data handling. For more information visit the EMBO webpage

The next course will be held in summer 2018.

"Basics of Light Microscopy", LMF CMCB, TU Dresden

This is a course on the basic principles of microscopy that is taught by the LMF team as part of the TU Dresden master course "Regenerative Biology and Medicine". The course runs full time from Monday morning until Friday afternoon, offering fascinating  lectures and several hands-on sessions.

The next course will be held in autumn 2018